Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tech News Today

New BlackBerry takes on iPhone
RIM has unveiled a new touch-screen smart phone. The BlackBerry Torch will be available on AT&T's network. It uses the new BlackBerry 6 operating system and includes a physical keyboard. It will cost $200 with a 2-year contract

BlackBerry 6 Appeals to Business Users, Media Junkies
BlackBerry 6 has gained some features designed to appeal to businesses, while making an effort to keep users tempted by the slick UI and multimedia capabilities of Apple and Android phones. But RIM still needs to shake up its BlackBerry lineup.

Hands On with the BlackBerry Torch 9800
RIM this week unveiled the Torch 9800, the first BlackBerry to feature both a touchscreen and QWERTY keyboard. It's also the first smartphone to run Blackberry OS 6.

Android sales top iPhone
Android phones account for 27 percent of smart phone sales. Android has surged ahead of the iPhone by four percent. But this may change. Sales of the new iPhone 4 have yet to be tallied The majority of smart phone sales continue to go to Blackberry

Sign into multiple Google accounts at once
Google is rolling out a new feature that lets you sign into multiple Google accounts at once. This is a pretty great feature, and one that will save many people a lot of time

Are e-book prices being fixed?
Connecticut's Attorney General is investigating whether Apple and Amazon are fixing e-book prices. Prices for New York Times best sellers are the same at several online stores.

IE use grows, again
Internet Explorer gained market share for the third consecutive month in July. Its share is up 1 percent since May. Slightly more than 60 percent of Web surfers use IE. Firefox ranks second with 23 percent of the market. Microsoft attributes the gain to IE8's enhanced security and privacy features.

Dvorak: 3D, Who Needs It?
John Dvorak isn't exactly thrilled about Hollywood's recent push toward 3D movies. He lays out the problems--and a solution--in his new column

Facebook reveals man's double life
An Ohio woman suspected her husband of cheating. What she didn't expect to find was his other wife. A Facebook page revealed photos of a Disney-themed wedding and Target gift registry

Note: Cross posted from ComputerNutz.


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